Upstream Production Solutions Pty Ltd, is pleased to announce the award of a new three year contract with an option for a further two years to provide maintenance services for Santos Limited’s (ASX: STO) (Santos) Cooper Basin assets. This additional scope of work is an extension of the services provided by Upstream PS on Santos’ Gladstone Liquefied Natural Gas project since 2016.
Commenting on the award of the contract, Upstream PS CEO, Cameron Wills, stated that:
“Upstream PS is proud to have a successful long-term relationship with Santos. At the core of this partnership are the aligned values that both organisations share. We are delighted to continue to work together, safely maintaining Santos’ assets and contributing to sustainable business growth whilst delivering on performance.”
GR Engineering’s Managing Director, Tony Patrizi, stated that:
“Upstream PS has a well established track record in the supply of operations and maintenance services in Australia. We are pleased that we have been given the opportunity to continue to support Santos on this significant project.”