Scope of Work
The Northern Endeavour (NE) Remove Potential Dropped Object (PDO) Vulnerabilities Program was developed and safely executed to remove at risk PDO’s from across the aging NE FPSO. The term PDO is reserved for an item that could fall and cause harm to people. The Northern Endeavour has been on location in the Timor Sea for more than 20 years and the management of the ongoing corrosion was a priority due to the degraded condition of the facility. The project premise was for positive action to make the facility a safer place to work by both establishing the condition of the facility to allow it to be monitored, whilst also removing any potential hazards immediately when appropriate with the primary concern being the safety of the personnel onboard. The PDO’s were initially observed through the diligence of facility personnel and as the asset aged, a structured and engineered program was developed and implemented to identify, inspect and then either remove or remediate.
The PDO’s were deemed a high-risk to the asset and following a site visit from NOPSEMA, they also reinforced their support for this program to continue to monitor and remove known and unknown PDO’s. As the team swept through the facility to remediate or remove PDO’s, the risk to asset was reduced.
GRPS developed and implemented a structured program to identify, inspect, remediate, or remove PDO’s from across the facility to maintain a safe place of work by:
- Onshore engineering review of known PDO’s in PDO database and rank their priority as per Upstream PS engineered standard.
- Offshore engineering review of known PDO’s
- Offshore Rope Access inspection team swept the entire asset to identify any new PDO’s and monitor known PDO’s
- PDO database was updated accordingly and PDO’s were ranked on priority.
- Additional onshore engineering reviews if the PDO removal or remediation was of a structural concern/risk.
- PDO’s remediated or removed from asset, and PDO risks removed.
- Ongoing monitoring of known lower priority PDO’s as per the engineered corrosion degradation rates.
DISR – Department of Science, and Resources
Northern Endeavour, Laminaria/Corallina Field Timor Sea
2019 - 2021