Our national experience servicing rotating equipment comprises of a range of compression technologies including large gas fired reciprocating engines, small gas fired engine packs, drive heads, high and medium pressure compressors and black start diesel generators. Experienced in providing safe and efficient Rotating Equipment maintenance services including:
- Mechanical servicing
- Inspection and testing
- Condition monitoring
- Plant and equipment optimisation
- Reconditioning and rebuild services
- Breakdown and callout response
- OHSE management requirements
- Valve services• Preventative maintenance
- Waste management
- Operations: A Full Duty Holder Operator, we provide full facilities operations, maintenance and technical support services
- Maintenance: A tailored approach to wellsite and associated facilities maintenance with multi-skilled teams delivering cost effective service and trouble-shooting capability
- Engineering: Concept engineering, design and drafting, owner’s engineer, studies and change management
- Specialised installation, assembly and fabrication services: A range of packaged equipment solutions from concept through to site installation and beyond
- Resourcing: experienced individuals or entire operations and maintenance crews
- Accredited and skilled procurement professionals, engineers and technicians personnel who are highly experienced, trained, competent and project ready.
- GRPS brings established and accredited processes, systems and software; our systems and processes are audited annually by Bureau Veritas and NATA.
- We maintain, on behalf of clients, several Computerised Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) including SAP, Oracle, eAMS and Maximo software packages. We manage all test reports in our customised PSV Management database utilising iPads within our test facilities for bar and QR coding options to improve efficiency and availability of test data for our clients. Utlising the data in our database we can identify PSV failure trends and provide RBI evidence supporting our client’s needs.
Origin Energy, Sun Metals, Westside QLD, Santos GLNG, Arrow Energy, Central Petroleum, Blacktip, Northern Endeavour (DISR), Senex
National services